The Bible encourages us to wait on the Lord.  We wait on the Lord for answers to prayer.  We wait on the Lord for situations to change.  In Isaiah 40, we are told that those who do wait on the Lord will renew their strength, mount up with wings like eagles, run and not be weary, and walk and not faint.
The eagle flies higher than any other created bird.  It doesn’t flap it’s wings, it soars!  It depends on wind thermals to lift it higher and higher.  We too depend on the “wind”.  The wind of the Holy Spirit.
A clock was also used as an illustration.  Clocks are made for people.  God is not bound by earth time.  He can suspend time or accelerate time….because He is God.
What do we do while waiting on the Lord?  Avoid worry.  Guard our ears.  Watch our words.  Stay in the Word, pray, and worship.
What is God doing while we wait?  Teaching us.  Growing us.  Helping us to know Him better.
What does waiting reveal?  Our true motives.  Waiting also reveals where we need patience, and where we need compassion for others.
There’s an incident that happened to a man and his two young sons.  They were at the beach.  The man turned his back for a few moments and both boys jumped into the water.  It was deeper than they thought, and murky.  The dad jumped in and immediately found one son.  However, because the water was so murky he had a hard time finding the second son.  He finally found the boy holding on to an underwater pole.  Later the dad asked the boy why he was holding on to the pole.  The boy answered “I was waiting for you Dad”.   Hold on!  Your heavenly Dad is working on your breakthrough!


Your actions, and how you feel will be determined by how you See”. –

Your perspective, if incorrect will steal your time, money, relationships, and your emotional and physical health.

If how you are seeing is wrong, then you will always find yourself in bad situations. You will always find yourself stressed, anxious, quick to anger, tension in relationships, in fear, and worried.

It’s all linked to your perspective. Which is why it is so important to get God’s perspective. His perspective received from His word, and intimate time with Him, will cause you to experience peace, joy, hope, good health, and strength during the worse moments in your life.

If you “see” your spouse, children, employees, boss, leaders, or friends as a burden, a waste of time, not important or worthless, then your actions towards them will be wrong and you will end up sinning against them.

This is where repentance comes in, where you change the way you think, and as a result your actions will change. This is a process and journey, that Jesus is more than willing to walk with you on.

The key is making time to get that perspective from God, which has proven over and over to produce fruit.

““The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive], your whole body will be full of light [benefiting from God’s precepts]. But if your eye is bad [spiritually blind], your whole body will be full of darkness [devoid of God’s precepts]. So if the [very] light inside you [your inner self, your heart, your conscience] is darkness, how great and terrible is that darkness!”

Matthew 6:22-23 AMP

Service Times

Sunday Worship 11:30 am
Prayer 3:00pm
(call before coming due to weather changes)
Zoom service
7:30 pm (except on the third Wednesday of each month)
Prayer & Bible Study 7:30 pm (Third Wednesday of each month)

How can we pray for you?

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2905 Seevers Ave
Dallas, TX 75216



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